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Deus Dimidiam
29 Level
76,292 Experience
3,258,562,470 Damage
12.203125 (14.29) Economy skill
2537 Strength
Day 1 Birthday
13 / 95 National by XP
5 / 95 National by DMG
115 / 2,201 Global by XP
44 / 2,201 Global by DMG
Political office Congress member of Hungary
Military unit Stoned Army

5,032 - 18,196
Critical hit:
10,064 - 36,392
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+7.11 %
+7.25 %
+7.093 %
Total critical hit chance
33.95 %
33.95 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-7.38 %
-6.93 %
Overall miss chance
-1.81 %
0.0 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
5.0 %
5.0 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
0.0 %
  • x13
  • x5
  • x13
  • x683
  • x3
  • x42
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 132 of 270See all achievements
Friends (112)
End of a chapter... last Stoned MU for now. I think it’s time the last Stoned leader quits 😁 had a great time on xaria/nebula/luna and we did our part every time for server win. Nice to see it end with my home country Belgium still on the map, it’s been a time consuming MU, deffinetly after we lost most leaders halfway xaria but a great challenge for sure. Maybe one day we come back but going to focus on my own alpha/suna projects for now. Thx for the support and for the great fights friends AND enemy’s.Cya
Archaic posted 5 years ago

Mexico is free once more
Archaic posted 5 years ago

Wake up Mexico!!! RW time!
Archaic posted 5 years ago

Hey guys, anyone with belgian cs or who wants to support Belgium is very welcome in Stoned Army. Nebula/xaria is almost over time to get active here! MU wage atm is 10/10/100. Kind regards Nascimento/Archaic
Archaic posted 5 years ago

I get pm's every 5 min or more atm for auctions ,trade, diplo etc. I'm not really active playing this server these first few weeks. And I don't have time to reply everybody, sorry it's nothing personal
+ if it is on auction, I don't do contracts. Just bid on it… unless you are a long time active MU member -> pm me on discord and I'll give you a good price with long debt + ADMINS this pm stuff on phone is absolutely terrible lol
Archaic posted 5 years ago

I understand you want to be like me but there is only one Nascimento… and last country in the world he would join is poland Lmfao
Archaic posted 5 years ago

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